News and Educations

Information about the quality control test results on a particular request for the dietary supplement Epimed Gold capsules


Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices has upon request of the Ministry of Health tested the samples of the dietary supplement Epimen Gold capsules, forwarded to the Agency by the Ministry's Inspectorate Direction.

The testing of the dietary supplement Epimed Gold capsules has been prformed by the HPLC method selective for sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil. The aforementioned compounds are active substances contained in medicinal products intented to treat erectile disfunction and are not allowed to be contained in dietary supplements. The analysis was performed within the legal framework of 30 days and the Ministry was promptly informed about the test results.

The Agency warns about the danger of using Epimed Gold capsules, in which the substance that may cause heavy cardiovascular adverse reactions in consumers with risk factors, has been found. Therefore, the aforementioned substance may not be found in food supplements, that are free for sale on the market, but may be contained only in approved medicinal products as a prescription only medicine. This ensures that a cardiovasular risk of a single patient be estimated, the posology determined and the patient's condition monitored by a doctor, prior to issuing a prescription.

Questions and answers on results of the preformed laboratory testing of those food supplements that are found to contain sildenafil can be viewed here (in Croatian).
